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Update on Disciplinary Tribunal matter

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This year, I lodged an appeal against a decision of the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal which, I considered, imposed unreasonable restrictions on me when deciding whether to lay charges in the Tribunal.

On 22 August 2024, the Court of Appeal upheld my appeal and sent the case back to the Tribunal for hearing. The decision is now available here.

As this matter remains before the Tribunal, I shall not provide further comment on it.

I appreciate that there are widely held concerns around transparency and accountability when it comes to reporting or making a formal complaint about bullying, discrimination or harassment in the legal profession.

I would again like to reassure everyone working in the profession who is experiencing bullying, discrimination or harassment that they can have full confidence in me and my office to consider complaints and take action as appropriate and available under the legislation.

I would also like to remind all who work in or with the legal profession of the anonymous reporting portal Speak safely. If you are experiencing bullying, harassment or discrimination or are aware of it occurring in the profession but are not prepared to make a complaint, I encourage you to report the conduct to me.